Can Midjourney make NSFW | Midjourney Alternatives for non-PG 13 Images

Midjourney is considered the best AI image generator out there. Even though the service is not free, Midjourney has managed to attract more than a million users on it’s Discord server.

Well, if you are good enough with major prompts and negative prompts, you can make anytype of content you can imagine but NSFW. Non-PG 13 Images are banned and cannot be creating using Midjourney.

But, if you are intersted and want to create some NSFW type content, you have reached the right web page.

In this post, we will dicuss if there is a way to create NSFW images on Midjourney and later, we will see some alternative AI tool to generate non-PG 13 images.

Now that you are ready, let us dive right into the details.

Can Midjourney make NSFW or non PG-13 images

Direct Answer: No, Midjourney cannot make NSFW or non-PG-13 content. As per the developer’s statement, Midjourney aims to create only SFW (Safe For Work) type content. That’s why, any type of content that is identified as an NSFW and offensive is not supported on Midjourney.

As per Midjourney’s community guidelines, the team does not wish to participate in creating pΘrnΘgraphic, offensive, or ha®mful content. And this includes images that target a particular religiΘn, race, case, and gender.

To maintain a positive and safe environment for everyone, Midjourney has created a list of words that are banned on the platform. These words might not sound offensive when used individually but have the potential to generate NSFW content using the AI model.

If you have decided to use Midjourney, we would suggest you check our previous article where we mentioned the list of banned words on platform. All of these banned words show error when you use them in or as prompts and can get you banned if you use them repeatedly.

What is considered NSFW content in Midjourney

According to Midjourney, if an image shows any kind of n∪dity, s3xual organs, fixation on naκed br3asts, people in showers or on toilets, s3xual imagery, fetishes, etc., it will be considered NSFW (Not Safe for Work) content.

Moreover, images that show any kind of violence and gore are restricted on the platform. You cannot produce any kind of image that shows detached bΘdy parts of humans or animals, ca∩∩ibalism, blΘΘd, viΘlence (images of shΘΘting or bΘmbing someone, for instance), defΘrmed bΘdies, $evered limßs, pe$tilence, etc.

Other than the description mentioned above, any raci$t, hΘmΘphobic, di$turbing, or derΘgatΘry images are considered NSFW. And if you found using prompts to produce content like that, you might get banned from using Midjourney.

Midjourney Alternatives for NSFW images

1. Stable Diffusion

We won’t say Stable Diffusion is the best AI mode to produce images, but it is the most popular one. Many other popular AI image generators you see in the market, simply use the power of Stable Diffusion to produce images.

We haven’t faced any issues in creating images that are gore or have blood in them. Make sure you use good negative prompts to produce images as per your requirements. Check our recently published post for more details.

So, if you would like to try your hands on some demon art, you should try Stable Diffusion once. It’s free to use!

2. UnStable Diffusion

At first we thought it is some kind of joke, but Unstable Diffusion is nothing like a spoof of the known AI tool. But, yes, the developers enjoy the popularity of Stable Diffusion a bit.

The tool provides some 54 free credits to play with. You can easily generate 54 images using 13 sessions. After that you will be asked to pay the amount.

If you are using Unstable Diffusion for productive work, only then we suggest you buy credits and invest your hard-earned money into it. However, we suggest considering other AI tools for generating detailed images.

Unstable Diffusion generate images with a lot of prompts pre-applied. If you want to produce an image with specific details, you might have to remove pre-applied prompts using negative prompts.

3. Mage Space

Next we have Mage.Space in the list. The AI-tool is only partially free, you can generate as many images as you want using the free Stable Diffusion v1.5 model. Whereas, version 2.1 of Stable Diffusion can be unlocked by simply logging into a Mage.Space account.

The only downside is that you don’t get option to add negative prompts in free version.

To generate NSFW type images, you will have to buy the paid version of Mage Space which starts from USD 4 per month and goes up to USD 10 per month for the paid version with multiple benefits.

The images produced by Mage Space doesn’t look better than Unstable Diffusion, but if you want to create an image with specific details, you can easily do it on the platform. You see, Mage Space doesn’t apply much prompts by itself. So, you get raw images with better possibility of customisation.


That’s pretty much it, guys. There are a ton of tools based on popular AI models that provide the ability to print your imagination on paper. But, only a few of them can actually understand what exactly is on your mind.

Midjourney is probably the best AI image generator out there, but it doesn’t even let you input banned word. That’s why, we have found three of the popular AI tools that can help your create NSFW images.

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