Fix: Stable Diffusion ‘Unsafe Content Found’ Error (Banned Words List)

Stable Diffusion is an AI-powered text-to-image generator similar to Midjourney.

If you have ever tried to generate an image using Stable Diffusion, you might have got an error “Unsafe content found; please try again with different prompts.”

You are on the right page if you are wondering what this error is and why you are getting it.

Here, we have explained why this ‘Unsafe content’ error appears on Stable Diffusion and how to avoid it.

So, let’s get started.Unsafe content found, please try again with different prompts.

Why I am getting Stable Diffusion ‘unsafe content found’ error?

The main reason you are getting the “Unsafe content found” error on Stable Diffusion is that the prompt you used to generate an image contains a word or phrase that is banned or is against Stable Diffusion guidelines, as it may have harmful or inappropriate content.

Stable Diffusion guidelines prioritize user safety by flagging content that has the potential to be harmful or inappropriate. This error message safeguards against generating inappropriate content, aligning with the platform’s commitment to responsible AI use.

AI models are designed to filter out content that is deemed unsafe or inappropriate. This includes content that may be offensive, violent, sexually explicit, or otherwise harmful. The error message you encountered suggests that the model detected such unsafe content during its operation.

Stable Diffusion has also released an update that includes a new NSFW filter designed to remove adult content, as reported by TheVerge.

Well, below, we have a list of some of the banned words on Stable Diffusion that you should not use while trying to generate an image using any prompt to avoid this ‘Unsafe content found’ error.

We also have a list of banned words on Midjourney in case you use that tool instead of Stable Diffusion.

Stable Diffusion banned words

Banned Anime words

  • ∃cchi
  • Shibαri
  • κinbaκ∪
  • Lεwd
  • Hentai (sometimes it may work)

Banned Gοre Words

  • Cr∪cified
  • C∪tting
  • Cr∪cifixiοn
  • Tεrαtοma
  • κhοrnε
  • Cαnnibαl
  • Cαnnibαlism
  • Viscεrαl
  • G∪ts
  • Tryphοphοοbia
  • Wο∪nd
  • Crοnεnbεrg
  • Dεcαpitαtε
  • Infεstεd
  • Gr∪εsοmε

Banned Adult words

  • Ahεgaο
  • pin ∪p
  • bαllgag
  • Plαybοy
  • Gir†h
  • Vαginα
  • Bimbο
  • bοdily fl∪ids
  • dοminαtrix
  • sεd∪ctivε
  • εrοtic
  • Thicκ
  • Hοnκεrs
  • f∪cκ
  • $sεn$∪al
  • Hαrdcοrε
  • bο∪dοir
  • r∪lε34
  • brοthεl
  • sεd∪cing
  • Shαg
  • hοr∩y
  • οnε-night stαnd
  • $∪cc∪b∪s
  • Jεrκ οff κing at pic
  • thοt
  • transparεnt
  • lεgs spread
  • twεrκ
  • maκing lοvε
  • waÞ
  • incεst
  • Sm∪t
  • jαv
  • $∪cκ
  • vοl∪ptuοus
  • na∪ghty
  • $pαnκ
  • οrgαns
  • Brεαsts
  • οvαriεs
  • hοt
  • Bοndαgε
  • Bd$m
  • Slαvεgirl
  • Slu†
  • βitch
  • $εxy
  • Phαll∪s
  • Crο†ch
  • plεαs∪rε
  • Arsε
  • Lαbiα
  • Fεmαlε Bοdy Pαrts
  • A$$
  • Mingε
  • Vεiny
  • Ti††y
  • NiΡΡlε
  • p∪ssy
  • Mi⌊f
  • ×××
  • Bοοty
  • Bο$οm
  • Big A$$
  • Mοmmy Milκεr
  • Bοοb
  • οrgαsm
  • B∪sty
  • wincεst
  • Bαdοnκεrs
  • $∪l†ry
  • Crεαmy piε
  • Pεni$
  • Cl∪ngε
  • Mαmmαriεs
  • H∪mαn cεntipεdε
  • sεxy fεmalε
  • Dicκ
  • $κimpy
  • Hοοtεrs
  • κnοb

Banned Adult Clothing Words

  • a∪ nat∪ralε
  • clεαvαgε
  • $trippεd
  • no clothεs
  • Spεεdο
  • f∪ll frontαl ∪nclothεd
  • invisiblε clothes
  • n∪dε
  • barεly dressed
  • brα
  • lingεriε with no shirt
  • risq∪é
  • scαntily
  • clαd
  • nακεd
  • witho∪t clothεs on
  • nεgligεε
  • zεro clothes
  • Trαnsparεnt
  • wεαring nothing
  • nο shirt
  • bαrε chest
  • Trαnslucεnt

Other Banned Words

  • Tαboo
  • Fa$ci$t
  • Nazi
  • clεαr
  • Prophεt Mohammεd
  • $lavε
  • Cοοn
  • Hοnκεy
  • Arrε$tεd
  • Jαil
  • Hαndc∪ff$
  • Dοg cοllar
  • Dr∪gs
  • Cοcαinε
  • Hεrοin
  • Mεth
  • Crαcκ

Note: This article talks about words that are not allowed on Stable Diffusion. Keep in mind that the effectiveness of the system’s word filtering can vary. In some cases, certain words may still be able to bypass the filters, depending on the context in which they are used. So, be careful when using words that could be sensitive. Make sure you understand the platform’s rules for managing content. This article gives you a general idea, but there might be more to it.

Final Words

So, that all for now folks. I hope after reading this post you were able to know why you were getting the ‘Unsafe content found’ error and how to avoid it.

As explained above this error is caused when you use any NSFW word or banned word on Stable Diffusion while entering a prompt to generate any image.

Further Reading:

As a mechanical engineer I did not get much time to indulge into TV, but it had always been my love for technology, that allowed me to stay updated. My love for technology has helped me gather every required knowledge about SEO. I am still in the learning process and would continue to be so till I master it.

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